Wednesday 19 October 2016


In accordance with directives by the Human Resource Development Ministry (MHRD) and the UGC — to hold fortnightly celebrations to mark the 70th Independence Day — JNU is all set to organise an array of events including prabhat pheri (early morning walks) and fancy dress competitions.
The university is also planning to hold essay-writing competitions and organise visits to local landmarks commemorating the freedom movement. It will also hold a singing competition of patriotic songs and organise a freedom run.
“As per the advice received from MHRD and UGC, we are organising these activities for the first time… these will culminate in the mass recitation of the national anthem by all students at 11 am on August 23,” said Dean of Students Rana P Singh.
The tiny tots from play way to 2nd standard participated in the competition. The kids from play group were dressed in different fruits and vegetables. Students from L.K.G and U.K.G participated in the dance show with the costumes depicting diversity of cultures in India.
1st and 2nd standard kids were representing themselves in different professions as Doctor, Pilot, Policeman, Postman and Politician etc.
The children were dressed in colourful dresses for each theme and spoke a few lines on the character that they depicted.
The purpose of conducting the competition was not only to blend learning with fun but also to develop confidence in the little ones by giving them an opportunity to get on the stage and speak in front of an audience. The judges praised the kids 

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